If you are struggling and unable to get help from your usual support network, please consider contacting one of the agencies below.
I cannot provide an emergency service, so I ask clients not to contact me in the event of a crisis as I cannot guarantee to be available, and any messages left by text, email or voicemail may not be seen for some time, if I am away from the office or on holiday….
Crisis Helplines – General
Hopeline UK for children and young people up to age 35 who are experiencing thoughts of suicide. 9am – midnight
CALM– A helpline for anyone in the UK. Open every day 5pm – Midnight
Find your local NHS Mental Health Helpline which will take your call 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week.
Livewell Southwest Mental Health Helpline (for Plymouth residents. Available 24hr 7 days a week
Bereavement Helplines
Helplines For Children and Young People
Young Minds have a comprehensive list of support for children and young people.
Domestic Violence and Abuse
PDAS (Plymouth Domestic Abuse Service)