I am a fully trained, qualified and experienced psychotherapist with a BA(hons) degree in Integrative Counselling. I am also a Registered Advanced BWRT® practitioner, trained by Terence Watts (BWRT® founder).
I am a specialist in Psychosexual Dysfunction.
I am also a Clinical Supervisor, specialising in online supervision.
I run my private practice from my office in Plymouth, but I am able to provide sessions to clients or supervisees in any location via telephone or online video. BWRT® works very well online…
As an integrative psychotherapist, I use different approaches to help my clients based on their circumstances and what they need. All sessions are completely confidential and non-judgemental.
As a BWRT therapist, I am able to help clients with a wide range of problems very quickly and effectively. BWRT is an amazing form of therapy, and is probably my favourite way to work with clients.
I volunteer for the Bereavement Counselling Service (BCS), a fantastic charity helping people suffering with complicated grief.
I joined the Ambulance Service at age 19 and went on to become an NHS Paramedic
I then became a financial adviser, and still work hard for my financial clients.
I am a 5th dan blackbelt instructor in Taekwondo, and am very interested in the mental health benefits (as well as the physical health benefits) of traditional martial arts training.